Cutting Fuel Costs cont.

I really wanted to see how far i could take hyper miling the Hi lux. On Friday using as many as the tips found on as i could I managed to get my average LHK down to 10.1, this is down from the original reading of 12.6. Over the round trip of 93km this is a saving of 2.3 litters of Petrol and a saving of $3.45.

This does sound great but the average speed on my trip was 93km/h. Most of the trip out to work is sign posted as 100km/h so i will only be able to get this type of economy when it is not busy.

The text time I have plenty of time I will bring my max speed to 80km/h to see what kind of difference this will make.

I had dinner with a good friend of mine last night. He constantly criticizes the fact that I drive the Hi Lux instead of something more fuel efficient. During the evening when the conversation once again came around to cars he explained to me he warms his car up for 5 minutes before driving. Now travel time for my friend to get to work is roughly 10min. So upto 1/3 of the time this car is running it is stationary.

The myth of 'Warming the car up' has long been believed to help limit the wear on a cars engine. The theory behind this is that the cars engine is only put under stress when it is at peak operation temperature. My friend says it helps make his car run better, this might be true and I am not going to doubt him. But I do not believe that it actually helps with saving the engine as the myth implies. If any one has evidence that it does I would be keen to see it. maybe this is one for Mythbusters.


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