Efficient is not lazy

I just finished reading an interesting article on zenhabits.net. The article was '3 ways to get more done with the power of less.' and who would not want to get more done with less?

Some might call me lazy but I would rather call it efficient. Why vacuum the house this week, I can do it next week and save some time, how bad can it be to vacuum the house every second week? There you go, efficient. But the problem is that if I am bargaining with my self about saving time. What am I then doing with this extra time? What am I achieving? Squat? No, I have made some progress but if I was truly efficient I would be getting 'more done with less'

In Dave Allens book 'Getting things done' he discuss the idea of open loops. When there is a task that you have not completed, even if you are not consciously thinking about it you are in your subconsciousness. This is taking up precious resources, and if there are two many open loops you can feel like there is two much to do and nothing gets done, almost like the problem is to big.

Any one ever use Microsoft Windows? it kind of works the same.

I am the default computer guy at work. I am not a computer guy, I just appear to know more than the next guy and therefore I get called by people with their computer problems. My first response is RTFM or as it stands for 'Restart The Fucking Machine'. (RTFM can also be used as Read The Fucking Manual) 9/10 times this fixes the problem. One of the reason that this works is the computers memory can be filled with crap and it needs to be cleared. Once you think you have closed a program some of that can reside in the memory even thought the process has been terminated.

So if you put this analogy together with Dave Allens open loop idea what do you get? Closing the loops will allow us to put more resources into other projects and we will be able to get things done.

Ok, now lets get back to the original article '3 ways to get more done with the power of less.'

The article has some great advice.

-Have one big goal. “Something that is achievable but challenging, probably within about six months to a year.”
-Only have three projects going at a time
-Every night before you go to bed write down your 3 most important tasks (M.I.T.) that need to be completed the next day.

Now as you focus on getting these tasks done and completed you can get on to the next goal/project/task.

This also fit in with Tim Ferriss philosophy of not multitasking. Something that I have already implemented into my day to day.

So lets get it down on paper so I have to do it.

Main Goal
Get my waste measurement half my height measurement. I stand 193cm tall and my waste measurement is currently 127cm. This means I have to loose a whooping 30cm. How am I going to do this. As detailed on my blog Fat man getting thin, i have really increased my physical out put, now unfortunately i have to dial in my eating. But if I can just find a diet that includes fried chicken :)

I will be making up dates on the fat man page as progress continues.


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